<aside> 👋 Welcome to the Regulars, an experimental project focused on online personas, character development, and on-chain assets.


Welcome to the Regulars, an experimental project focused on online personas, character development, and on-chain assets.

Interact in the Regular World, earn on- and off-chain token. Increase your earnings, purchase items from the Regular Store, and improve your character. Some characters seek fame, where full IP rights will be assigned, but not everyone with this ambition makes it.

The project was launched on September 2021 as a collection of 10,000 3D-rendered unique characters, and have since been able to work a job, earn salary, have relationships, and more.

All this happens on our own social network, where we explore the line between regular fantasy and regular reality, at a time when the line is already blurry.

Expect changes as the project evolves, especially with governance and token utility.

The project does require gas currently, but we are exploring when L2 and off-chain mechanics are appropriate.

Please look around and explore our documents for more information. If you have questions, do reach out on discord.